I've been using PeopleBrowsr since its very early alpha releases. I started out as merely an interested early-adopter, reporting bugs and suggesting improvements from time to time. But I think because of my decades as a software developer, I tended to see things, try things and ask questions that more normal people would not. I got to know Jodee, Priscilla and some of the developers quite well, as one often does on Twitter.
What really amped up my enthusiasm, though, was that they listened and made changes in response to my reports and suggestions. PeopleBrowsr, more than any other product I know, was built in large part directly by its users' ideas and experiences.
My enthusiasm must have been obvious to my local Twitter friends

Now, I'm happy to say that I'm officially working for PeopleBrowsr and ready to help you learn not just about PeopleBrowsr, but about social media and social networking and how it can help you and your business.
You can find out more about me on my blog and I invite you to follow me on Twitter.