Hi, I am Jean Russell (aka @NurtureGirl).
I have been a social network coach since 2006 and now I am heading up the PB Coach program. I am based in Chicago and building a team around North America.
This is what a few people have said about me:
"Jean Russell's knowledge of social media, online community, and online community networks is deep in strategy and rich in practical application."
~ Mark Grimes ~ ned.com and nedspace Founder
"I appreciate Jean's keen insights on how people behave and why they do what they do. I've seen her bring clarity to situations that had been long befuddling to those involved, and I've seen her unlock the potential in people who were trying to find their way. In all, Jean's a great coach, an empathic teacher and a relentless network weaver."
~ Thomas Kriese
We will coach you and your team on:
1. How to be a Social Network Attractor
2. Brand Research and constructing Microblogging Sentiment Reports
3. Build a Twitter Campaign for your Brand
4. Setting up and managing a TweetCenter - Real time Brand Engagement